Sunday, January 2, 2011

Just one political wish.

I’m sitting across the diner table with the family, and I was posed with the most interesting question: If I could have just one political wish- what would it be? Now obviously I could have responded with the typical Miss America pageant answer and said “world peace and no starving children” and although that would be amazing, I chose to pick an answer more achievable.

I honestly believe majority of the problems that we face in our country today occur because of the way we fund our political leaders. We have set up our system to fail. If a good man wants to make change he must first get elected-- and in order to get elected-- he needs vast amounts of money. He or she is forced to earn that money either through favors, influence, or direct votes. This is the sad truth, but never the less, it’s the game.

I choose to believe that some of our elected officials want to stand on their principles, and if we give them a way to get elected without having to fill obligations, they may be able too run on their convictions. If we want to see good men and woman in power then we need some simple changes. No donations, except from individual registered voters, with a limit of 1000 dollars and only to the individual running. Absolutely no donations to parties or special interest groups. They get their votes just like every other individual at the polls. No corporate donations, groups, or fundraisers, just individuals by mail and all fully disclosed to the public. By allowing anything else is giving more weight to one persons vote, it’s not fair, it’s not the American I envision.

It would inspire more elected officials to do town hall meetings and to raise capital from smaller, more personal venues, and for once a small voice may be heard. It would also remove power from party leaders and give it to the everyday citizens. We may actual gain educated voters rather than those who are moved by flashy media tactics or celebrity endorsements.

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