Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Turkey Turkey


Turkey Turkey
As I sit pondering my turkey recipe for thanksgiving and inadvertently searching black Friday deals, I find my mind drifting away from the blaring news.   The airways are filled with rattling noise about hostess and the downfall of the Twinkies legacy but all I can think about is how little the news ever talks about real problems.  It seems that America would rather ignore controversial issues and at the same time we ask our politicians to lie to us because they can’t get elected if they speak the truth.  Long story short; as I’m zoning off, my mind drifts into a personal YouTube clip, and an idea smacks my brain - Retroactive Immigration.
I know that no matter how I bring this topic up, my idea will be considered close minded or racist in some way.  I want it to be known I respect immigrants and truly believe that they are essential to the American way.  However, hard as is for some to believe, I just wish to protect the American identity and our way of life.  With that in mind - I propose a radical idea.  Retroactive Immigration: The deportation of any individual(s) who received citizenship by illegally obtaining access to the United States by false documentation or any illegal action(s).  Keep in mind; this applies to only those who gained citizenship illegally.  Sounds overboard as first, but is it really?
For generations it has been the standard of the U.S. Legal System to prosecute crimes even if committed years prior. Why then, would this not apply to illegal immigration and those who gained citizenship from illegal behavior?  Maybe I’m a little cold - but it seems like the best solution.  The most valuable and cherished possession of any American should be his or her citizenship.  
The Constitution states that the Legislative body is prevented from passing any law that makes past acts criminal, if it wasn’t illegal when it originally occurred.  So then if immigration was illegal when it occurred, and there is no statute of limitations, then why is there no standard for removing illegal immigrants and those they sponsored/reared while in possession of ill gained status?    
Immigration on such a rapid scale forces the American identity to be replaced by other identities rather than a slow natural blend.  America is the world mixing bowl - but we are overflowing the bowl at a rate that replaces America’s distinct flavor.  Our allowing of immigrants is a tribute to our open and loving nature but it has been dramatically abused.  It’s not offensive to demand that those who have abused our system be returned to the nations of their origin.
I wonder if we hadn’t ignored that so many foreigners were hiding in our homeland, if they would have been forced to improve their own countries.  I could go into more detail on policies, that could help to achieve this, but that’s for another post…
We may inadvertently be stealing the best chance of other nations to gain stability by taking its greatest natural resource; its own people.   For the benefit of all nations, the United States must pass some form of Retroactive Immigration Legislation and stop illegal immigration. 

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